I'm a cartoonist, painter, web site designer and author of the popular arts blog, Lines and Colors.
I started Argon Zark! with the intention of simply having fun doing a comic story the way I wanted, with no art directors, editors, or publishers telling me what I could or couldn't do.
I've been intentionally self-indulgent in allowing myself to write a story that would let me draw whatever I like (robots, dinosaurs, attractive women, bizarre landscapes), and even rewritten pages to accomodate my whims to play with a new piece of graphic software. Fortunately, Argon's story is one of exploration, discovery and fun, so my whims aren't too far out of place. The strip is full of references to stray bits of stuff that I find interesting or fun.
Argon Zark! has been a labor of love, although I'm hoping that support via Patreon will help defray the cost of maintaining the site and allow me to devote more of my time to it.
I've been delighted with the amazing response the site has gotten since its inception and I thank all of you who have written me, reviewed the site or given it an award. I haven't changed my approach or intention, though. I'm still just having a blast.
I can be reached at .
A few of my other sites:
Lines and Colors : Art blog
Dinosaur Cartoons : Online and in paperback
Paintings : In gouache, oil and casein
Charley Parker Design : Web site design, Illustration